Anti-aging and Functional Medicine
Sabina Grochowski, MD photo with patient in her Manhattan office, New York City
Sabina Grochowski MD office photo in New York City, NY


Hair Loss     Aesthetic Medicine IV Nutrient Therapy Lipotherapy

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Preventive examination
Explores predispositions to disease, addresses triggers and imbalances leading to increased oxidative stress which in turn leads to premature aging and disease. I address antioxidant/mineral /amino acid / fatty acid imbalances and deficiencies which can trigger disease. State of the art testing to evaluate genetic predispositions to heart disease and colon cancer.

Hormone testing men and women/Bioidentical hormone replacement

We age because our hormones decline; our hormones don’t decline because we age. Over time, the production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, hormones made naturally by the body’s endocrine system, slows down. When we have a hormone imbalance or deficiency, age-related or not, such as menopause, perimenopause, or andropause, bioidentical hormone therapy is often prescribed to maintain well being, optimize health and prevent disease. These hormones have the same molecular structure as those made by our own bodies. Tailored hormone optimization therapy is given based on the results of blood, urine or saliva testing. Bioidentical hormones include: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and adrenal glands hormones.

Neurotransmitter Testing

Neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers for the nervous system and relay signals within the brain to communicate with the body. When a patient is anxious, depressed or not sleeping well, performing a simple test identifies if any neurotransmitter imbalances exist. A neurotransmitter imbalance may result in a range of general disorders from weight issues/obesity, migraine headaches, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, to fibromyalgia, insomnia, hormone dysfunction, and memory impairment. Neurotransmitter tests identify neurotransmitter imbalances. When testing is performed early, imbalances may be identified before any symptoms show up. Testing serum will determine levels of major neurotransmitters.

Comprehensive stool anlysis
Stool analysis is a part of the evaluation for leaky gut syndrome malabsorption, maldigestion, ph as well as bacterial and fungal dysbiosis (overgrowth of harmful organisms and reduced numbers of beneficial ones or imbalance in digestive microflora). Yeast overgrowth is underdiagnosed and can cause bloating, abdominal pains, skin rashes, headaches, memory problems and mental fog.

Heavy metal testing and Chelation Therapy

Heavy metals and toxic metals such aluminum (not a heavy metal) may be found throughout our environment in trace amounts. When built up over time, they may be harmful. Sources of toxic metals include cooking vessels, seafood, drinking water, air, antacids, cosmetics, fish / shellfish and other common items. Toxic metals may affect and cause endocrine disruption affecting the thyroid, pituitary, and sex glands. Heavy metals may also create toxicity in the bowel and organs of detoxification. Major heavy metals include:

  • arsenic, linked to diabetes
  • lead, responsible for hypertension
  • mercury, linked to ADHD and mental retardation
  • aluminum, which is not a heavy metal but linked to dementia
Toxic metals increase oxidative stress, which can cause premature aging and disease. It is not easy to avoid the possibility of absorbing or ingesting trace amounts of metals since they are present in food, water supply, cosmetics and in the air. Not everyone is affected the same way. Once a patient is tested, a proper determination can be made of what to do if there are high levels of heavy metals in the body. The first course of action is to optimize a patient’s mineral and vitamin status. Then, depending on the concentration of the metal in the body, oral, intravenous or rectal medications may be used to detoxify the body.

IV/Intramuscular therapies

Intravenous (IV) infusions can be used for many purposes including anti-aging, decreasing oxidative stress, prevention, replenishing deficiencies and nutritional purposes. IV Therapies can enhance the strength of the immune system, promote healing, detoxify the body, improve endurance and decrease fatigue. IV therapies are not a replacement for diet, exercise, and complete nutrition. They are not for everyone and do not offer a ― quick fix. IV infusions are customized to replenish vitamin, mineral or other deficiencies. Examples include intravenous glutathione, intravenous vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and Meyers cocktail. Intramuscular injections include methylcobalamin, magnesium, B complex and coenzyme Q10.

Cosmetic procedures

In this youth obsessed society looking younger makes you feel confident and improves self esteem. This office offers Botox, Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Radiesse and PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections.

IgG allergy testing
IgG testing can pick up sensitivities due to anttigen-antibody deposition. Such reactions can lead to symptoms as diverse as ill defined malaise/fatigue, digestive disorders, skin problems, aching joints or back pain. By some estimates as much as 50% of the US population may be affected.
Organic acid testing
Rather than directly measuring nutrient concentrations, organic acids provide markers for the effects of micronutrient deficiencies, toxic exposure, and neuroendocrine activity. They can indicate the need for dietary modification, antioxidant protection, predispositions to cancer and a need to detoxify.

Conditions Treated

Chronic Fatigue syndrome/Fibromyalgia

These are not one disease entity. They can result from stress, autoimmune disease, viral infections, celiac disease, hypothyroidism or metal toxicity. Adrenal dysfunction can also masquerade as chronic fatigue.


Perimenopause is a decline in progesterone levels often beginning ten years before menopause. Menopause is deficiency of estrogen, progesterone and often testosterone. Women are literally losing their minds, their libido and their youth.

Subclinical hypothyroidism/Hypothyroidism

Thyroid conditions often go undiagnosed or are improperly diagnosed. On occasion the only symptom is depression. Diagnoses of hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid, are on the rise. This may be due to the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases. There are a wide range of symptoms in this often misdiagnosed condition including: lack of motivation, constipation, dry skin, hoarseness, numbness in extremities, carpal tunnel syndrome, hair loss, intolerance to cold, mental fog, edema, skin pallor, and menstrual irregularities. Often heavy metals play a role and it is vital to test to get an accurate complete health portrait. Additionally deficiencies in minerals and vitamins, including zinc and vitamin D, can also cause hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism may occur in people of normal weight.


Andropause occurs when testosterone levels decline. While this condition is usually found in older men, it is affecting more young men than ever who, in their 20’s and 30’s have unusually low testosterone levels. The symptoms of a testosterone deficiency include: loss of energy, loss of muscle, increased irritability, depression, low libido and impotence. A plague of modern times is that testosterone levels have been declining in younger and younger men. Common causes include poor diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and stress. Long-term consequences of testosterone deficiency include predisposition to heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Adrenal Fatigue

It is often difficult to know that you suffer from it. Adrenal fatigue occurs due to stressors or acute stress, which increases cortisol levels. Cortisol, aka “the stress hormone,” is responsible for the “fight or flight reaction.” In prolonged stress this system is working 24/7, as everything is perceived as fight or flight. Chronic stimulation leads to burnout of adrenal glands (“Since this happened I’ve never been the same.”) Some of the most common symptoms include: depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and weight gain. A test that measures saliva cortisol levels over a 24 hour period determines adrenal fatigue. Once identified, it is treatable using adaptogens (naturally occurring substances) and replenishing deficiencies.

Vitamin deficiencies

 Vitamin D being an example

“Ten minutes of sunlight a day” is something you have probably seen or heard about in the media. This simple suggestion is not true if your skin does not contain the right fatty acids. Even during the summer many people are vitamin D deficient!
Vitamin D deficiency in addition to poor bone health is associated with decreased immunity, muscle mass and possibly depression.

Leaky Gut Syndrome /Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the intestinal lining is altered or damaged. Possible causes include: poor diet, stress, toxins, infections, medications or parasites. This leads to increased permeability of the gut wall allowing harmful substances to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.  The diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome is made through stool testing.

Depresssion/ Anxiety/ Panic attacks

They are complex diseases. Hypothyroidism can masquerade as depression. Functional medicine addresses diet, hormone imbalances, environmental factors as well as amino acid deficiencies and neurotransmitter abnormalities. It is very rapidly evolving field of functional medicine.